April 3, 2022

Hello there and welcome to ehvick.com!
E.H. VICK is a pen name for horror author ERIK HENRY VICK, and both happen to be my actual name, which keeps me from getting confused. I specialize in pulse-pounding stories filled with nail-biting tension—and with this pen name, that involves serial killers as villains and psychologically-flawed protagonists. I set up this pen name to help Amazon separate readers of my horror, UF, and dark fantasy books from readers of my thrillers for marketing purposes. If you are like me and enjoy titles from those other genres, please take a look at the website for Erik Henry Vick.
I have a lot planned for E.H. Vick (if I end up with dissociative identity disorder out of this pen name thing, I'm suing someone... Yeah, me too!)
and that means it could be a fun year for you if you enjoy my psychological thrillers. At present, I have six full titles and a prequel in the Meredeth Connelly Mind Hunt Thrillers series planned for release starting this summer. Actually, I'm giving the prequel away to people who sign up for my newsletter -- if that interests you, please join my newsletter list.
The first three titles in the series are available for preorder now, and you can find them here: Meredeth Connelly Mind Hunt Thrillers
I know you may not want to join another email list, and if you don't that's cool. You can still read Savannah Savior, however, as it is available on Amazon as a preorder (which will go live soon--disregard the date).
Thanks for dropping by! I hope you found what you were looking for. If not, please don't hesitate to ask.
Also, please do join my online community, Vick's Vikings.